Thursday, March 8, 2012

In Pursuit of the Perfect Picture Part 1

There is a legend in the Rev's family.  Some claim it to be true, while others of  us think it is just fable.  According to the legend it was a beautiful evening at Mile High Stadium in Denver, CO.  It was the early 90's and the Rev., most likely dressed in a leather bomber jacket with his pants rolled, and his sister (we'll call Miss Montana) to protect her identity, were anxiously awaiting the departure of one Mr. John Elway from the stadium.

Miss Montana can sniff out a celebrity from miles away.  Her keen sense of all things classy, along with her former Miss Montana status (yes, she really was Miss Montana), gives her a leg up on knowing the how the rich and famous operate.  So, the legend continues, that the two trouble making siblings, made their way to a non-descript side door.  Before they knew it, Mr. Elway, in the flesh appeared.  In a calm and collected manner, they got his autograph and took a picture with him.  I would believe this legend, but picture is conveniently "missing" and the autograph looks as if it is of questionable authenticity due to young Rev's attempted restoration work with a black sharpie marker.

Fast forward 20 + years and the Rev. and Miss Montana were recently able to relive their childhood dream of meeting a Denver Broncos quarterback (ok, this might be a bit of an exaggeration, but it makes for a good story).  Earlier this week, we were blessed to be able to hear Tim Tebow speak in Billings, MT and I was determined to get a picture despite the fact that no cameras were allowed at the event.  I didn't want another legend. I wanted to be able to prove to the world that we had actually seen the icon in person.  Plus, I wanted to help the Rev. and Miss Montana save face.

So, I had two options.  I could either sneak a camera into the event and break the rules, which was very tempting, or I could catch Mr. Tebow outside the event and snap a shot. 

Photo NOT taken by the Rev. and Miss MT
Photo courtesy of
Since I know you are dying to find out what happened (or you have a lot of free time to spend reading my blog), stay tuned for the rest of the story.  Will the Rev. and Miss Montana have a picture to remember this adventure, or will they be cursed, once again, with a possible "legend" of a story?

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